UDA Regulations

Preliminary Planning Clearance

Preliminary Planning Clearance (PPC) refers to the initial review process undertaken by planning authorities or local councils to determine the feasibility of a proposed development project. PPC typically involves assessing the proposed project’s compliance with local planning policies, environmental regulations, and other relevant statutory requirements. The PPC process usually requires the submission of a preliminary proposal that includes a site plan, architectural drawings, and other relevant details of the proposed development. The local council may issue a formal response, which could include a list of requirements or conditions that must be met before the project can proceed to the next stage of planning. The PPC process is an essential step for developers, as it helps them identify any potential issues or challenges early in the planning process and provides a clear indication of the likelihood of the project’s approval.

Regulation No. 01

1.1) A Preliminary Planning Clearance (PPC) for any Development Activity, specified under Section 29 of the Urban Development Authority Law, No. 41 of 1978 and its amendments, shall be issued by the Urban Development Authority upon the request of the Developer or his Agent.

1.2) The PPC shall be in writing and shall refer to the survey plan, the relevant development plan and planning and development regulations applied for the particular development and indicate the clearances required from relevant government agencies and any other conditions imposed by government agencies from time to time.

1.3) A PPC shall be obtained from the Authority for any development activity as prescribed hereunder:

       a. Any subdivision or amalgamation of a land in extent 1.0 hectare or more.

       b. Any subdivision of a land of which the number of lots exceeds eight (8).

       c. Any residential development that exceeds: 1,000 m2 in floor area or 15.0 m in height.

       d. Any non-residential development exceeding 400 m2 in floor area.

Open Spaces & Building Setbacks

Regulation No. 55

55.1) Rear Space and Side Space of all proposed developments shall be maintained in conformity to the specifications given in the Form E as set out in Schedule 6.

55.2) In a development where an open space is intended to be provided on the site for the purpose of maintenance of the building or separating it from adjoining properties, such open space shall not be less than 1.0 m in width.

Regulation No. 56

56.2 Any plot of land which has an irregular shape shall have a minimum of 3.0 m frontage and the development will be permitted towards inside of the land beyond the point where the width of land becomes 6.0 m wide.

Land Subdivision, Amalgamation and Development

  1. When a lot is located adjacent to an intersection of two roads, the corner of such lot shall be rounded off or splayed, maintaining a half of the width of each road respectively to either sides from the corner point of the lot as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the users of the roads.
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